34 research outputs found

    The hydrologic role of urban green space in mitigating flooding (Luohe, China)

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    Even if urban catchments are adequately drained by sewer infrastructures, flooding hotspots develop where ongoing development and poor coordination among utilities conspire with land use and land cover, drainage, and rainfall. We combined spatially explicit land use/land cover data from Luohe City (central China) with soil hydrology (as measured, green space hydraulic conductivity), topography, and observed chronic flooding to analyze the relationships between spatial patterns in pervious surface and flooding. When compared to spatial–structural metrics of land use/cover where flooding was commonly observed, we found that some areas expected to remain dry (given soil and elevation characteristics) still experienced localized flooding, indicating hotspots with overwhelmed sewer infrastructure and a lack of pervious surfaces to effectively infiltrate and drain rainfall. Next, we used curve numbers to represent the composite hydrology of different land use/covers within both chronic flooding and dry (non-flooding) circles of 750 m diameter, and local design storms to determine the anticipated average proportion of runoff. We found that dry circles were more permeable (curve number (mean ± std. error) = 74 ± 2, n = 25) than wetter, flooded circles (curve number = 87 ± 1). Given design storm forcing (20, 50, 100 years’ recurrence interval, and maximum anticipated storm depths), dry points would produce runoff of 26 to 35 percent rainfall, and wet points of 52 to 61 percent of applied rainfall. However, we estimate by simulation that runoff reduction benefits would decline once infiltration-excess (Hortonian) runoff mechanisms activate for storms with precipitation rates in excess of an average of 21 mm/h, contingent on antecedent moisture conditions. Our spatial metrics indicate that larger amounts and patches of dispersed green space mitigate flooding risk, while aggregating buildings (roofs) and green space into larger, separate areas exacerbates risk

    Assessing the ecosystem services of various types of urban green spaces based on i-Tree eco

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    Urban green spaces play a crucial role in maintaining urban ecosystem sustainability by providing numerous ecosystem services. How to quantify and evaluate the ecological benefits and services of urban green spaces remains a hot topic currently, while the evaluation is barely applied or implemented in urban design and planning. In this study, super-high-resolution aerial images were used to acquire the spatial distribution of urban green spaces; a modified pre-stratified random sampling method was applied to obtain the vegetation information of the four types of urban green spaces in Luohe, a common plain city in China; and i-Tree Eco model was further used to assess the vegetation structure and various ecosystem services including air quality improvement, rainfall interception, carbon storage, and sequestration provided by four types of urban green spaces. The modeling results reveal that there were about 1,006,251 trees in this area. In 2013, all the trees in these green spaces could store about 54,329 t of carbon, sequester about 4973 t of gross carbon, remove 92 t of air pollutants, and avoid 122,637 m3 of runoff. The study illustrates an innovative method to reveal different types of urban green spaces with distinct ecosystem service productivity capacity to better understand their various roles in regulating the urban environment. The results could be used to assist urban planners and policymakers to optimize urban green space structure and composition to maximize ecosystem services provision

    Comparing human activity density and green space supply using the Baidu Heat Map in Zhengzhou, China

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    Rapidly growing cities often struggle with insufficient green space, although information on when and where more green space is needed can be difficult to collect. Big data on the density of individuals in cities collected from mobile phones can estimate the usage intensity of urban green space. Taking Zhengzhou\u27s central city as an example, we combine the real-time human movement data provided by the Baidu Heat Map, which indicates the density of mobile phones, with vector overlays of different kinds of green space. We used the geographically weighted regression (GWR) method to estimate differentials in green space usage between weekdays and weekends, utilizing the location and the density of the aggregation of people with powered-up mobile phones. Compared with weekends, the aggregation of people in urban green spaces on workdays tends to vary more in time and be more concentrated in space, while the highest usage is more stable on weekends. More importantly, the percentage of weekday green space utilization is higher in small parks and green strips in the city, with the density increasing in those small areas, while the green space at a greater distance to the city center is underutilized. This study validates the potential of applying Baidu Heat Map data to provide a dynamic perspective of green space use, and highlights the need for more green space in city centers

    Conceptual planning of urban–rural green space from a multidimensional perspective: A case study of Zhengzhou, China

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    The structure and function of green-space system is an eternal subject of landscape architecture, especially due to limited land and a need for the coordinated development of PLEs (production, living, and ecological spaces). To make planning more scientific, this paper explored green-space structure planning via multidimensional perspectives and methods using a case study of Zhengzhou. The paper applies theories (from landscape architecture and landscape ecology) and technologies (like remote sensing, GIS—geographic information system, graph theory, and aerography) from different disciplines to analyze current green-space structure and relevant physical factors to identify and exemplify different green-space planning strategies. Overall, our analysis reveals that multiple green-space structures should be considered together and that planners and designers should have multidisciplinary knowledge. For specific strategies, the analysis finds (i) that green complexes enhance various public spaces and guide comprehensive development of urban spaces; (ii) that green ecological corridors play a critical role in regional ecological stability through maintaining good connectivity and high node degree (Dg) and betweenness centrality index (BC) green spaces; (iii) that greenway networks can integrate all landscape resources to provide more secured spaces for animals and beautiful public spaces for humans; (iv) that blue-green ecological networks can help rainwater and urban flooding disaster management; and (v) that green ventilation corridors provide air cleaning and urban cooling benefits, which can help ensure healthy and comfortable urban–rural environments. In our view, this integrated framework for planning and design green-space structure helps make the process scientific and relevant for guiding future regional green-space structure

    Hydrological effects of urban green space on stormwater runoff reduction in Luohe, China

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    This paper reveals the role of urban green space (UGS) in regulating runoff and hence on urban hydrological balance. The modeling software i-Tree Hydro was used to quantify the effects of UGS on surface runoff regulation and canopy interception capacity in four simulated land-cover scenarios. The results showed that the existing UGS could mitigate 15,871,900 m3 volume of runoff (accounting for 9.85% of total runoff) and intercept approximately 9.69% of total rainfall by the vegetation canopy. UGS in midterm goal and final goal scenarios could retain about 10.74% and 10.89% of total rainfall that falls onto the canopy layer, respectively. The existing UGS in the Luohe urban area had a positive but limited contribution in runoff regulation, with similar responses in future scenarios with increased UGS coverage. UGS rainfall interception volume changed seasonally along with changing leaf area index (LAI) and precipitation, and the interception efficiency was distinctly different under various rain intensities and durations. The UGS had a relatively high interception performance under light and long duration rain events but performed poorly under heavy and short rain events due to limited surface storage capacities. Our study will assist urban planners and policy-makers regarding UGS size and functionality in future planning in Luohe, particularly regarding future runoff management and Sponge City projects

    Measuring dynamic changes in the spatial pattern and connectivity of surface waters based on landscape and graph metrics: A case study of henan province in central china

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    An understanding of the scientific layout of surface water space is crucial for the sustainable development of human society and the ecological environment. The objective of this study was to use land-use/land-cover data to identify the spatiotemporal dynamic change processes and the influencing factors over the past three decades in Henan Province, central China. Multidisciplinary theories (landscape ecology and graph theory) and methods (GIS spatial analysis and SPSS correlation analysis) were used to quantify the dynamic changes in surface water pattern and connectivity. Our results revealed that the water area decreased significantly during the periods of 1990–2000 and 2010–2018 due to a decrease in tidal flats and linear waters, but increased significantly in 2000–2010 due to an increase in patchy waters. Human construction activities, socioeconomic development and topography were the key factors driving the dynamics of water pattern and connectivity. The use of graph metrics (node degree, betweenness centrality, and delta probability of connectivity) in combination with landscape metrics (Euclidean nearest-neighbor distance) can help establish the parameters of threshold distance between connected habitats, identify hubs and stepping stones, and determine the relatively important water patches that require priority protection or development

    Characterizing Temporal Dynamics of Urban Heat Island in a Rapidly Expanding City: A 39 Years Study in Zhengzhou, China

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    Extreme heat wave weather phenomena have erupted worldwide in recent years. The urban heat island (UHI) effect has exacerbated urban heat waves with serious consequences for urban energy and residents’ health. Therefore, a better understanding of the dynamics of the UHI effect and the influencing factors is needed in the context of carbon neutrality and global warming. This study used long-term observation and statistical data to investigate the urban heat island intensity (UHII) over the past 39 years (1981–2019) and to analyze the temporal changes of the UHI effect and the relationship between the UHI effect and indicators of rapid urbanization in Zhengzhou, China. The results showed that Zhengzhou is warming 2.2-times faster than the global land warming trend of about +0.9 °C from 1981 to 2019. There is a clear phase characteristic of the heat island effect in Zhengzhou, and it offers a rapid upward trend after 2000 and a positive correlation with the urbanization process; it was found that the social and economic conditions of urban expansion in Zhengzhou have a significant relationship with UHII. We also found that the denser the urban built-up area, the more obvious the heat island effect. Compared with other countries, the influence of national policies on urban development is an indirect factor influencing the change of UHI specifically for Chinese cities. This research could provide a reference for understanding the temporal dynamics of UHI in an expanding large city for sustainable urban planning and mitigating urban warming and environmental problems

    The Hydrologic Role of Urban Green Space in Mitigating Flooding (Luohe, China)

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    Even if urban catchments are adequately drained by sewer infrastructures, flooding hotspots develop where ongoing development and poor coordination among utilities conspire with land use and land cover, drainage, and rainfall. We combined spatially explicit land use/land cover data from Luohe City (central China) with soil hydrology (as measured, green space hydraulic conductivity), topography, and observed chronic flooding to analyze the relationships between spatial patterns in pervious surface and flooding. When compared to spatial–structural metrics of land use/cover where flooding was commonly observed, we found that some areas expected to remain dry (given soil and elevation characteristics) still experienced localized flooding, indicating hotspots with overwhelmed sewer infrastructure and a lack of pervious surfaces to effectively infiltrate and drain rainfall. Next, we used curve numbers to represent the composite hydrology of different land use/covers within both chronic flooding and dry (non-flooding) circles of 750 m diameter, and local design storms to determine the anticipated average proportion of runoff. We found that dry circles were more permeable (curve number (mean ± std. error) = 74 ± 2, n = 25) than wetter, flooded circles (curve number = 87 ± 1). Given design storm forcing (20, 50, 100 years’ recurrence interval, and maximum anticipated storm depths), dry points would produce runoff of 26 to 35 percent rainfall, and wet points of 52 to 61 percent of applied rainfall. However, we estimate by simulation that runoff reduction benefits would decline once infiltration-excess (Hortonian) runoff mechanisms activate for storms with precipitation rates in excess of an average of 21 mm/h, contingent on antecedent moisture conditions. Our spatial metrics indicate that larger amounts and patches of dispersed green space mitigate flooding risk, while aggregating buildings (roofs) and green space into larger, separate areas exacerbates risk